Conference and Event Information

Cushing’s Support and Research Foundation

will see you in 2024

(Don’t forget to Save or Bookmark this page for reference)

WELCOME to our colleagues and new friends from the 2024 conference season.  Thank you for visiting our booth and scanning the QR code that led you to this page. 

Here you will find links to all the documents from our table, plus some additional resources we thought you might find interesting or helpful.  Feel free to reach out to us at any time for more information, to collaborate on a project, or to chat about anything related to our mutual interests. 


Leslie Edwin, President – [email protected]

Gretchen Jordan, Associate Director – [email protected]

Do your patients have PCOS or diabetic symptoms that are hard to control? They may be suffering from Hypercortisolism!  Click on the images below to read more about the overlapping symptoms of the diseases and how to test their cortisol…


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