Hi All,I have some very exciting news to share. After working with Cushing’s patients for over 20 years, I can honestly say that there is still much to be done in spreading awareness among medical professionals about this disease. Cushing’s patients are still waiting 5-10 years before they are diagnosed. Thus, it has been my wish for over 10 years to publish a book for medical professionals who may come in contact with Cushing’s patients but may not know it.
I asked Dr. Edward Laws, who is on the CSRF Medical Advisory Board, to help get this project off the ground. Dr. Laws compiled a list of contributors, experts in the fields of endocrinology and neurology, many of whom serve or have served on our Medical Advisory Board. We have been working diligently for the past year, and I am very happy and proud to say that our book, Cushing’s Disease: An Often Misdiagnosed and Not So Rare Disorder, is now finished. The print version is currently available from Amazon and Elsevier. The electronic version is currently available from multiple retailers.
This text was an attempt to provide a comprehensive resource for medical professionals and patients who want to know more about the diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s disease. The 12 chapters review the anatomy and physiology of Cushing’s, the epidemiology of Cushing’s, including incidence and prevalence; the signs, symptoms and co-morbidities; cognitive and emotional presentations; medical, surgical, and radiotherapeutic treatments, and the patient’s perspective, including coping strategies and quality of life and psychosomatic issues. There is also a short chapter on pediatric Cushing’s.
We are hoping to attract a wide range of physicians who may encounter patients with Cushing’s, biomedical researchers of rare endocrine disorders, medical students, and patients with Cushing’s who may want to learn more about their disease.
We welcome your comments so that we can incorporate all of your suggestions in the next edition.
Louise Pace
Winter, 2016
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