Online Support Meetings

We are often asked by new members for information on support groups in their area.  We only have a few cities with an active group known or supported by CSRF.  There are other cities where Support Contacts have shared their phone and e-mail, and they will usually be glad to take a call or even an in-person meeting with you if you’re local.  You can find the current list here.

We prefer to tell everyone “yes, there is a support group!”  Therefore, beginning in December 2021, we will host at least one Zoom call per month, accessible by anyone with an internet connection or phone.  We have a number of members in Australia and time zones other than EST, so we would like to work with these differences if the interest is there.

Calls will likely be scheduled for 120 minutes.  We did a trial run on a call like this earlier in the year and the total call lasted almost four hours!  It feels terrible to cut someone off or end the call if people haven’t spoken, so we’d like your feedback on the best way to manage these calls.

There is room to present topics, or these calls can be freestyle communication groups – experience has shown that groups of Cushing’s patients have no shortage of things to talk about!

If you are interested in participating in a Zoom support call, please click the link below and share your thoughts on a few topics to help us build this new project properly.  Thank you!


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