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Category Archives: Coping With Cushing’s

Enhancing Self-Image Through Cushing’s

Throughout this healing process, I am not sure who has been rougher on me-myself or others. I may be my own worst critic. I am tuned in to the subtle and not so subtle changes my body and mind and spirit have undergone. As we heal and deal, our self-image may be impacted by threeContinue Reading

Managing Stress through Cushing’s

Have you ever lost the “thing” and it nearly put you over the edge? It doesn’t matter what the thing was. It could be the car keys, (one always seems to be running late when the keys go missing, have you noticed?) the cat, a bill that needs paying, one’s glasses, one’s mind. It reallyContinue Reading

Nourishing Relationships through Cushing’s: The Ice Pack

“Trauma is an inescapably stressful event that overwhelms people’s coping mechanisms…” — Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

I think it is fair to say that Cushing’s can be traumatic. For me the diagnosis itself was surprisingly calming but the years preceding it, while attempting to articulate the ever-mounting symptoms to numerous medical professionals and not feeling adequately heard, were traumatic. Continue Reading

Questions about Cushing’s and the Brain

An article titled Hypercortisolism and Memory Impairment appeared in the Spring, 2014 issue of the CSRF newsletter and prompted some questions from our members. Question: The article mentions “memory exercises”. What exercises would be recommended and why would they be helpful? Answer: Our brain is like a muscle, it needs regular exercise to stay inContinue Reading

Miracle Easy Weight Loss Program? Beware…

At CSRF, we get a lot of questions about weight loss diets, techniques and products.   Weight gain is one of the more common symptoms of Cushing’s, and many Cushing’s patients are eager to lose that weight.   People often ask if we recommend a special diet or supplement to help people with Cushing’s take off thoseContinue Reading


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