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Category Archives: Effects of Cushing’s

Cushing’s and Blood Sugar – What’s the Connection?

I am writing this article from two perspectives- as a Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) and as a person who has successfully recovered, hopefully forever, from Cushing’s disease (pituitary surgery May 2018).  It has been estimated that about 70% of people with Cushing’s have some type of impairment with blood sugar (glucose) according toContinue Reading

Affective Alterations in Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome in Remission are Associated with Decreased Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Cortisone Levels

Background Affective alterations, including anxiety, emotional lability and apathy might persist in patients who suffered Cushing’s, even long after correction of cortisol excess. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging showed some alterations in the brain of patients in remission for Cushing’s. These alterations were mainly at those regions (hippocampus and prefrontal cortex) in which cortisol actsContinue Reading

The Role of Cortisol in Food Intake and Food Choice Behavior: Two Studies in Patients with Cushing’s

Any endocrinologist familiar with Cushing’s hears from patients that the weight gain associated with Cushing’s is unstoppable, even with calorie restriction and exercise. Several factors have been shown to be causal, including cortisol’s direct effects on fat mass, function, and distribution. Specifically, exposure to excess cortisol increases total fat, and abdominal fat in particular, whileContinue Reading

Cushing’s and Osteoporosis

Editor’s Note: This article uses the term Cushing’s syndrome, which includes all forms of Cushing’s, including Cushing’s Disease. Cushing’s syndrome has multiple effects on bone metabolism. Elevated cortisol levels directly inhibit bone formation and indirectly influence the skeleton via effects on reproductive hormones, growth hormone, muscle and fat tissue, intestinal calcium absorption, and renal calciumContinue Reading

Hypercortisolism and Memory Impairment

Introduction Memory issues in Cushing’s patients have been reported in the literature over the years however, the number of studies addressing this issue is limited. With the fairly recent advent of new imaging techniques, investigators can now study both the physical structure of the brain and brain metabolites (biochemical compounds) in greater detail using non-invasiveContinue Reading


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