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Definition of Hypopituitarism and Panhypopituitarism

Question: What is the difference between panhypopituitarism vs. hypopituitarism? Answer: The terms are often used interchangeably. Strictly speaking, panhypopituitarism refers to loss of all pituitary function, both anterior and posterior pituitary function. However, some use this term to refer to loss of anterior pituitary function without diabetes insipidus (function of the posterior pituitary gland). PanhypopituitarismContinue Reading

Fertility After Hypophysectomy / Hypopituitarism

Question:  My pituitary gland was removed, so now I replace a lot of hormones.  I didn’t have a period for awhile, but once I changed my doses of estrogen and progesterone, now I have one like clockwork every month.  I’m still in my 30s.  Is it possible for me to become pregnant? Answer:  The pituitaryContinue Reading

Hypopituitarism After Radiation

Question: Following radiation for a pituitary tumor, is there a risk that the entire pituitary will be unable to function normally? Answer: Many patients maintain normal pituitary function following radiation therapy to the pituitary for a few years; however, within ten years, a significant percentage of patients develop some type of pituitary hormone deficiency andContinue Reading

Hypopituitarism and Stress

Question: I have permanent pituitary insufficiency and find that I don’t deal with stress well at all. Is this common for someone like me and will it get better? Answer: There are plenty of things that can cause us stress these days. The ability to deal with stress depends on many factors unrelated to one’sContinue Reading

Pituitary Hormone Replacement

Question: I had a pituitary tumor almost 13 years ago. I now take 3 drugs due to the loss of pituitary hormones. How many patients have to continue to take medication for the rest of their lives and why? Answer: If a patient has hypopituitarism (low pituitary function) from either the tumor or the surgeryContinue Reading


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