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Category Archives: Doctor’s Answers

Pituitary Radiation and Pregnancy

Question: Will radiation of the pituitary gland cause problems for females wanting to have children? If so, how long will it take for the problem to become apparent? Answer: Radiation treatment to the pituitary gland may result in pituitary gland hypofunction over a several year period of time. In the first 10 years after pituitaryContinue Reading

Menopause Symptoms and Cushing’s

Question: Are menopause symptoms more pronounced in someone who has had Cushing’s? Answer: Menopausal symptoms vary enormously from one woman to another and symptoms are often genetically determined. Some woman have almost no symptoms and other woman have significant symptoms that go on for years. Woman who have had Cushing’s do not in general experienceContinue Reading

Menopause Hormone Replacement Therapy

Question: I had Cushing’s a number of years ago and completely recovered. Due to menopause, I started hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and I feel like some of my Cushing’s symptoms have returned. Can side effects from HRT mimic Cushing’s symptoms? Answer: In menopausal patients, HRT, when given for a short-time typically leads to significant improvementContinue Reading

Early Menopause

Question: I am wondering if there is any research or if there have there been any suggestions that Cushing’s can bring about early menopause? I am 36 and had pituitary surgery in 2006. My cycles are back, but they are not the same as before Cushing’s. Perhaps this is just my new “normal” but shouldContinue Reading

Cushing’s and Sex Drive

Question: Since having Cushing’s, my sex drive is next to nothing. Is this common, will this problem remain forever or get better? Is there anything that can help? Answer: A decrease in libido or sex drive is common in patients with Cushing’s. Several factors influence a person’s sex drive. In women, regular menstrual periods or adequateContinue Reading


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