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Category Archives: Doctor’s Answers

Difference Between Nelson’s Syndrome and a Pituitary Tumor Recurrence

Question: What is the difference between Nelson’s syndrome and a recurrence of a pituitary tumor? Answer: Nelson’s syndrome is a development of a pituitary tumor following bilateral adrenalectomy in patients with Cushing’s disease. In other words, Nelson syndrome can only occur in patients who have both adrenal glands removed. If the adrenal glands have notContinue Reading

Cushing’s After Bilateral Adrenalectomy

Question: I had my entire pituitary gland removed and both adrenals, but still have a lot of Cushing’s symptoms. Is it possible that I still have Cushing’s, but the tests don’t show it? Answer: If your pituitary gland and adrenal glands have been removed, the likelihood of persistent Cushing’s syndrome is very unlikely. Simple biochemicalContinue ReadingContinue Reading

What to Expect After Surgery

Question: How should I expect to feel after surgery and during the recovery period? Answer: Following successful surgery with lowering of the cortisol level to normal or undetectable (the desired response) most patients experience symptoms of steroid withdrawal even when they are given cortisol replacement (hydro-cortisone, prednisone). Symptoms of withdrawal include muscle aches, joint aches,Continue Reading

Was My Surgery Successful?

Question: Is there a way to tell shortly after pituitary surgery if the surgery was successful? Also, how often should a patient be tested and with what tests after pituitary surgery? Answer: We can tell shortly after pituitary surgery whether a patient has been cured with considerable certainty. At our center we measure plasma andContinue Reading

Swelling and Cushing’s

Question: Following surgery for Cushing’s, I have had a lot of swelling in my hands, feet and face. Is there anything that can be done to help this problem and is it anything to be concerned about? Answer: Swelling, or edema, may often accompany Cushing’s syndrome. Following surgical treatment of Cushing’s, some patients will continueContinue Reading


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