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Category Archives: Doctor’s Answers

Importance of an Expert Pituitary Surgeon

Question: I have Cushing’s Disease and my doctor insists that I travel to a major medical center to have surgery. Why is it so important to have an expert pituitary neurosurgeon? Answer: The success in curing a patient of Cushing’s Disease is directly related to the experience of the neurosurgeon. In other words, it isContinue Reading

Recurrence Rates for Cushing’s Disease

Question: What is the recurrence rate for Cushing’s Disease? Answer: Transsphenoidal surgery is the initial treatment of choice for most patients with proved or highly suspected Cushing’s disease. Published reports demonstrate that, in experienced centers, remission following surgery can be expected in 80-90% of patients with microadenomas and 50-65% of patients with macroadenomas. Recurrent hypercortisolismContinue Reading

What is Nelson’s Syndrome?

Question: What is Nelson’s syndrome? Answer: Up to 10% of patients who have had a bilateral adrenalectomy for the cure of pituitary Cushing’s can develop Nelson’s syndrome. This syndrome refers to the enlargement of the pituitary tumor after removal of both adrenal glands. Bilateral adrenalectomy was the primary treatment for pituitary Cushing’s prior to theContinue Reading

Treatment Options for Nelson’s Syndrome

Question: I have Nelson’s syndrome (aggressive enlargement of an ACTH secreting pituitary tumor following a bilateral adrenalectomy) and radiation has not been effective. The tumor is creating problems with my vision. What are my treatment options? Answer: Since the pituitary tumor has enlarged to affect the nerves that control eye movements or eyesight, the firstContinue Reading

Sinus Infections After Pituitary Surgery

Question: I had transsphenoidal surgery over 4 months ago. I’ve had a horrible smell in my nose and continually run a fever. The MRI shows “sinusitis”. How often do sinus infections happen following surgery? What will help? Answer: This sounds like a post op nasal or sinus infection. It usually takes care from a goodContinue ReadingContinue Reading


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