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Category Archives: Doctor’s Answers

Pituitary Tumor and Enlarged Adrenal Glands

Question: I had Cushing’s due to a pituitary tumor and also have enlarged adrenal glands which I was told was due to excess exposure to ACTH over a long period of time. My question is, since I have enlarged adrenal glands, will my cortisol always run higher than normal? Answer: It is correct that whenContinue Reading

Pituitary Surgery and Headaches

Question: How long is it “normal” to have a headache following pituitary surgery? Also, if a headache persists longer than that, what should the patient do? Answer: Post operative headache of a persistent nature is rare after trans-sphenoidal surgery. The most common cause for early headache in the first 2 weeks after surgery is dueContinue Reading

Dual Functioning Pituitary Tumor

Question: I was diagnosed with a large prolactinoma, started cabergoline and am now experiencing some symptoms that make me wonder if I could also have Cushing’s. Is it possible for a pituitary tumor to secrete both prolactin and ACTH? If so, what effect, if any, will the cabergoline have on testing for Cushing’s? Could theseContinue Reading

Cushing’s and Headaches

Question: Can Cushing’s syndrome or Cushing’s disease cause severe headaches? Answer: Headaches in a patient with Cushing’s Disease (a pituitary tumor) are usually related to the presence of the tumor. A headache may occur with either a microadenoma or macroadenoma. A microadenoma is < 10 mm and a macroadenoma is > 10 mm.Continue Reading

Additional Pituitary Tumor After Surgery

Question: How often do additional pituitary tumors develop in Cushing’s patients who have had a pituitary tumor successfully removed? Is there a time frame during which this occurs? Answer: “New” pituitary tumors very rarely occur in patients who have had a pituitary tumor removed. However, a recurrence (regrowth of a tumor in the same areaContinue ReadingContinue Reading


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