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Category Archives: Doctor’s Articles

Research on the Molecular Mechanism of Cushing’s Disease

Cushing disease is caused by pituitary tumors that produce excessive amounts of the pituitary hormone ACTH, leading to excessive synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands. Many symptoms of Cushing disease result from these high levels of glucocorticoids and they include fat accumulation, high blood pressure and predisposition to diabetes and osteoporosis. Normally when bloodContinue Reading

Pregnancy After Cure of Cushing’s Disease

Patients who have been successfully treated for Cushing’s disease with surgery may resume normal menstrual periods and become pregnant. Other patients may remain amenorrheic typically because the part of the pituitary that controls reproductive function may have been permanently disrupted by the original tumor, or more likely, by the surgery itself. In that case, treatmentContinue Reading

Subclinical Cushing’s Syndrome

What is Subclinical Cushing’s Syndrome? Cortisol has multiple target organs as illustrated in clinical practice by the spectrum of symptoms associated with chronic cortisol excess as observed in long-standing, overt Cushing’s syndrome. The focus of this article is not on overt Cushing’s, but rather on “subclinical” Cushing’s syndrome (SCS). This could be considered an ambiguity,Continue Reading

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome

Since its description in 1992, laparoscopic adrenalectomy has rapidly become the procedure of choice for unilateral adrenalectomy when the adrenal mass is less than 8 cm in size and there are no frank signs of malignancy (eg. invasion of contiguous structures). The postoperative recovery time and long-term morbidity associated with laparoscopic adrenalectomy are significantly reducedContinue Reading

Treatment Options for Recurrent Cushing’s Disease

A patient who has been treated for a pituitary tumor is always at risk for recurrence of the tumor; this risk is usually small, but real. There is no way to predict in whom or when a pituitary tumor will recur. This statement is not made to frighten a patient, but to emphasize the need for continued regular medical care and follow up so that a recurrence can be detected early and treated promptly. The reported risk of recurrence of a pituitary adenoma varies Continue Reading


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