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Category Archives: Doctor’s Articles

Diagnosing Cushing’s — Patient Experiences and What They May Mean for Doctors

As a neurologist and head of university outpatient departments in Germany, I see many patients with pituitary adenomas. In this capacity, I oftentimes hear the stories of patients with Cushing’s disease (CD; pituitary-induced Cushing’s) after years of bothersome symptoms and a long and winding road through the medical system before the correct diagnosis of Cushing’sContinue Reading

Cyclic Cushing’s syndrome

The term “cyclic Cushing’s syndrome” has been used to describe the presence of spontaneous, intermittent periods of cortisol excess that do not occur as a consequence of glucocorticoid therapy (such as prednisone, hydrocortisone or dexamethasone) or other medical intervention. “Periodic hormonogenesis”, “intermittent hypercortisolism”, “unpredictable hypersecretion of cortisol” and “fluctuating steroid excretion” are additional terms usedContinue Reading

Preventing and Treating an Adrenal crisis

Have you ever had an adrenal crisis? If you have experienced the pain, confusion, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, weakness and other disturbing symptoms, you know you need help right away. Without immediate correct treatment, an adrenal crisis can be life-threatening. A recent review (1) reports “Studies in patients on chronic replacement therapyContinue Reading

Androgen Replacement Therapy in Women with Adrenal Insufficiency

INTRODUCTION Androgen levels are lower in women with adrenal insufficiency than in healthy women of comparable age. This raises the question of whether testosterone or DHEA replacement therapy should be part of the standard hormone replacement therapy regimens prescribed to women with adrenal insufficiency, including in patients with a history of Cushing’s syndrome. WHAT AREContinue Reading

Pediatric Cushing Syndrome: Quality of life and other outcomes

Cushing syndrome (CS) affects children and adolescents in many ways that are different than adults and may be associated with long lasting effects even with successful remission. Early identification and treatment of CS is important, particularly since children have not completed their growth and development. Barriers to optimal care include lack of knowledge about theContinue Reading


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