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Medical Records for New Doctor Visit

Question: I am having difficulty getting a diagnosis. I have some high results and some normal ones. When I go to an endocrinologist, I have a book with all my lab results and medical history well organized. I have often been dismissed. I feel like sometimes my organized book makes me look like a hypochondriac. How should I approach a new endocrinologist about possible Cushing’s? 

Answer: Having organized records is a very good trait.  If the diagnosis is not confirmed, most endocrinologists would not recommend any action, but repeating testing. The best strategy for a patient is to identify a trusted endocrinologist and work with her/him. In other words, avoid jumping from one doctor to the other as staying with one doctor will let them identify any worsening symptoms.

By Dr. Roberto Salvatori, John Hopkins Pituitary Center, Winter, 2016

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