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Category Archives: Adrenal Insufficiency

Will BLA Solve My Problem?

Question:  I have confirmed hypercortisolism (enough highs after several months of testing) but no clear target.  I’m morbidly obese, have lost my period, have new hair growth on my face, and almost all of the other classic Cushing’s symptoms.  If I have a bilateral adrenalectomy and just remove the source of cortisol production, will theseContinue Reading

Navigating the “Grey Areas” Post-Treatment Re: Cortisol Replacement

Question:  I have had persistent Cushing’s since 2012.  I’ve had a couple of surgeries, radiation, and about 18 months of medical therapy.  I came off that when the radiation seemed to be working – I was losing weight, my hair was growing back, and I could sleep.  I’m currently just shy of three years postContinue Reading

Personalized Hydrocortisone Dosing

Question:  I recently attended a meeting with other adrenal insufficiency patients and was surprised to find out that some of them had personalized dosing of hydrocortisone and were taking smaller but more frequent doses, some 4x a day.  I’ve been taking two daily doses for years but the idea of having a small third doseContinue Reading


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