Artist Juan Ramiro Torres set out to unify a community of artists around the word when the current environment led to closures everywhere. He created a project called “Love and Hope from Artists at Home“; run from his Facebook page, it features dozens of artists and messages they share while physically distancing.
We hope you are able to pursue things you love to do or learn about during these strange times. Cushing’s and Adrenal Insufficiency patients were already carefully, and sometimes tumultuously, balancing concerns about mental health and overall wellness while also trying to learn adaptive behaviors to cope with symptoms. Adding the uncertainty of limited resources and risk of a life-threatening infection in a warped world doesn’t make life easier, for anyone.
If art or writing is something you love, we have a contest running through midnight on Sunday, April 5 – click here for more details. Or if you are a patron of these arts, check back on Wednesday, April 8, for a special collection of member-created art to recognize international Cushing’s Awareness Day.

Venezuelan artist Carlos Solis (currently in Atlanta, GA) says:
” In these stressful and uncertain times, we need some kind of escape. For most it could be to return to their religious beliefs, meditation, reading; but in my case it would be painting, or a combination of all of the above. When you enter the creative zone, where only you and the canvas are, it seems that time stops. There are no worries, no stress. That brief moment of your life, is just peace and benevolent madness. Encourage everyone to follow their path of creativity. It’s healthy mentally, spiritual and physically. Art is medicine that transcends barriers and cultures.”
“En estos tiempos estresantes e inciertos, necesitamos algún tipo de escape. Para la mayoría podría ser volver a sus creencias religiosas, meditación, lectura; pero en mi caso sería pintar, o una combinación de todo lo anterior. Cuando ingresas a la zona creativa, donde sólo estás tú y el lienzo, parece que el tiempo se detiene. No hay preocupaciones, ni estrés. Ese breve momento de tu vida, es solo paz y locura benevolente. Ánimo a todos a seguir su camino de creatividad. Es saludable mental, espiritual y físicamente. El arte es la medicina que trasciende barreras y culturas.”
Art by Carlos Solis:

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