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Author Archives: Elissa Kline

Research Study: Study of Adrenalectomy versus Observation for Subclinical Hypercortisolism

OBJECTIVES: To see if removing an adrenal tumor by surgery improves blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, or cholesterol, and cancer detection.Continue Reading

Coping with Prednisone (And Other Cortisone-Related Medicines)

This book is written specifically for patients who must take steroid medications to control other medical conditions, however Cushing’s patients have also found it useful.Continue Reading

Marie R., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery

“YOU! DO! NOT! HAVE! CUSHING’S!” My endocrinologist yelled after I requested more testing despite three negative 24 Hour Urine Free Cortisol tests and a below normal Low Dose Dexamethasone test. “YOU! CAN’T! PROVE! THAT!” I yelled back while my mind desperately reeled for more arguments, more statistics, more anything to get another test for Cushing’s.Continue Reading

Marlene B., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery, Bilateral Adrenalectomy

My battle with Cushing’s follows the basic pattern. My problems began long before I had ever heard of Cushing’s. I had a pretty good life…no, it was a GREAT life – married with 4 healthy active children. I wasn’t exactly a stay at home mom but my work always involved my children.Continue Reading

Public Comment on Social Security Disability

Through an email from NORD, the CSRF learned that public comment was being invited on possible changes to determination of Social Security Disability. The desire of the SSA is to handle more disability claims before they get to the time consuming hearing level. The CSRF continually hears from members who are pursuing disability and almostContinue Reading


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