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Author Archives: kkc

Serious Illness and Your Legal Rights

By Stephanie Fajuri, Supervising Attorney, Cancer Legal Resource Center When thinking about serious illnesses, we often think about only the medical side of things: prevention, screening, treatment, and side effects. However, serious illnesses like Cushing’s syndrome can take a toll on many aspects of a patient’s life. Organizations like the Cancer Legal Resource Center believeContinue Reading

Coping: How to Talk with Others about Cushing’s

We are going to cover three main areas in this article: explaining Cushing’s, asking for what we need and managing others reactions. Many have said that it has come as a relief to finally KNOW what is going on, to have a diagnosis and a course of treatment outlined. No, we are not crazy orContinue Reading

Adrenal Insufficiency and Cushing’s

Following successful surgical treatment for Cushing’s, either by removal of a pituitary tumor, one or both adrenal glands or ectopic tumor, most patients are adrenal insufficient (cannot make cortisol) for a period of time. Cortisol is essential to life so patients require replacement with a glucocorticoid, such as hydrocortisone or sometimes prednisone. Most patients recovering from Cushing’s require replacement medication only until their body is able to produce adequate cortisol.Continue Reading

An Update on Pituitary Surgery for Cushing’s Disease

Introduction Although there are now several new methods for the medical management of Cushing’s disease, for patients who have progressive severe signs and symptoms, surgery provides the best chance of a long lasting remission. Making the diagnosis of a pituitary tumor secreting excess levels of ACTH as the cause of Cushing’s disease can be complicated,Continue Reading

Adrenal Tumors Not Usually Cancer

Question: Are most adrenal tumors causing Cushing’s adrenal cancer?  Answer: The vast majority of adrenal tumors causing Cushing’s are benign. By Dr. Constantine Stratakis, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, Winter, 2016


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