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Author Archives: Elissa Kline

Bruce P., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery

Prior to the onset of Cushing’s, I led a very healthy and active life and was by all accounts sound in mind and body. Early indications were subtle…an increasingly pudgy abdomen and face that wouldn’t trim despite a healthy diet and consistent exercise, and small distinct stretch marks below my navel. I tore a disc, bruised easily and simple wounds would take forever to heal. I retained excess fluid and felt pain in my hips and knees after just one flight of stairs.Continue Reading

Laurie O., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery

I was diagnosed at the age of 15 by a nurse practitioner who noticed my moon face and hump back. I had lost a lot of hair and wasn’t eating hardly anything. I didn’t want my Mom to find out I wasn’t eating, but I kept gaining weight. For about a year I had trouble sleeping and skipped my period for six months. My first surgery Continue Reading

Natalie F., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery, Gamma Knife

Hi! I am 31 years old, a Marine wife, and I was diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome in February, 1990. I began to have problems during the summer of ’89. After many doctors visits for many different problems, I was told by a Dermatologist at Camp LeJeune, NC that I looked Cushingnoid. He called in InternalContinue Reading

Lane W., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery

I am 3 years past successful pituitary surgery and almost a year off cortisone. Yet even with all of the continuing symptoms, lack of strength, and days of chronic hurt and depression, I’m considered “cured!!”Continue Reading

Kathy R., Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery

I had transsphenoidal surgery in 1994 to remove a 5mm pituitary tumor. So far, the results have been very successful. I had surgery on a Friday, was out of the hospital on Sunday, and back to work in 2.5 months. After the surgery, I had headaches for quite some time. I saw an osteopath who performed cranial osteopathic manipulation, which was very, very helpful. Continue Reading


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